Letter from our Elis 89 Daughter of Penelope President
Elis 89 President Yurie Pauls 2021-2023
Elis 89 President Nikki Feister 2020-2022

Congratulations to our New Officers
and Board of Governors

2016-2017 Elis 89 Officers
President- Stephanie Tsanas
Vice President- Tania Abdo
Recording Secretary- Nikki Feister
Correspondence Secretary- Marlys Mandelos
Treasurer- Joan Lagios
Congratulations to our new Board of Governors
Bernice Kosturos Ferrall, PDG Chairperson
Cat Andrews, D21 Treasurer
Dorothy Delianides
Maria Hatjopoulos
Olga Makris and Eleni Papas
Congratulations to our new Board of Governors 2013-2014
Chairperson- Nikki Feister, Board of Governors- Tania Abdo, Barb Contos, Dorothy Delianides, Bernice Kosturos- Ferrall